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Friday, July 21, 2006


Hacking wireless networks

Interesting tip about how to supplant an access point to obtain acces codes:


Thursday, July 20, 2006


Danger on google Desktop

Today i try at work to do a google desktop seach. I try a simple search.
The word i search - > From:

Without " just from: i've seen a lots of mails from the work people. Be carefull where do you read your mail and where install google desktop.


VPN made easy

Searching info at work, i found this interesting aplication for do some p2p VPN (Virtual Private Networks), or this is what i understand from what i read., the better of that, is available on Linux, Mac and Windows.


This can be usefull to create a kind of LAN (local area network) but behind the internet. You can share your hd with your friends, see his movies, lister his music, play his games ... very intesting.


First English Post

Hi there, non spanish speakers. This is Pinger, the Revolucion Digital Blog admin´s.
As you can see now and in the future, my english is very very bad. But i want to share with the non spanish the same links with the rest of the world.

This is just a test, because i see someone using This

So then i decide to make a better translation by my own (off course not a very good one).

Please excuse my very poor english, so this is my turn to improve it. Thank you all, and wellcome to Revolucion Digital blog, english version.

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