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Monday, August 21, 2006


Custom FireFox Search Engine

Whatching for advanced FireFox options (just for prepare the FireFox Party Barcelona, you are invited too ) i found an option to create custom search engines on FireFox for websites you want.

I used that for search of Revolucion Digital Blog, because i have too many posts and found something it's so hard.

All of you know that FireFox has the google bar inside.

Image translation: This, fuck, it's so fucking hard write with a mouse

Well, if you click on the G of google, you get differents options, one of them add search engines, then we go to this website:
Image translation: Push here

We tell the name of the search engine, and put the website or websites (up to 25) we want to search. Then we click on Create search engine, and then we see something similar to this:

We say ok, and voala (or what the hell it is written), and then go to the Google bar, select Rollyo:the name of your custom search engine.

And then you can search on were do you want ;)

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